Welcome to Hanford High School GEAR UP! Here you can find information about the Hanford High School GEAR UP Program.

G.E.A.R.U.P - Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs

S.O.A.R3 - Success and Opportunity through Affordability, Rigor, Relevance and Relationships. 

The goal of HHS SOAR GEAR UP is to provide every student with the opportunity to achieve their post-secondary aspirations. By post-secondary we mean any sort of education AFTER high school. This could be a 4 year university, trade school, community college, military program, etc. GEAR UP does this through tutoring, college preparation activities, field trips, providing testing opportunities, summer programming and much more. 

GEAR UP major activities at-a-glance

Month Activity
September Provide ASBs to all incoming Freshmen
October Introduction to GEAR UP activities
November GEAR UP Surveys
December Mock College Applications and Mock FAFSA
January Mock College Applications and Mock FAFSA
February Mock College Applications and Mock FAFSA
March Field Trips to Perry Tech
April PSAT 8/9
May Storyboards
June End of year wrap up/STEM-A-Palooza 
July Summer Programs
August Preparation for next year!